The Business Association of Wineries under the Designation of Origin Ribera del Duero (ASEBOR), after consolidating its leadership in the last elections to the Control Board, has renewed its Board of Directors. And with the intention of working to achieve the objectives of this Association, María Luisa Cuevas has become part of this new Board, adding this new challenge to her tasks in Ferratus.
There are many immediate objectives ahead for Asebor, but the priority ones are: on the one hand, the effective digitalization of the books that the Ministry of Agriculture still forces to write “by hand”; and on the other hand, the protection of wine labeling against the restrictive and blaming tendency that some political groups want to impose in the European Union.
Precisely, after the General Assembly of April 20, which allowed the incorporation of the director of Ferratus to the Directive, Mr. José Luis Benítez, General Manager of the Spanish Wine Federation, intervened and in a revealing speech, he warned about the dangers that a tightening of the labeling can bring to the wine sector.
María Luisa Cuevas